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Methylene Blue
  • Methylene Blue

    Methylene blue (MB) is an age-old remedy that has a long and proven history of being safe and effective. 


    It decreases cytotoxicity (cellular toxicity), increases delivery of oxygen around the body and especially the brain as it crosses the blood brain barrier.

    MB improves mitochondrial respiration. The importance of this must not be underestimated - the mitochondria are known as the ‘powerhouse of the cell’ generating the energy required for cells to function.

    Combining MB with the use of red light therapy is believed to be a synergistic response with the combined results exponentially better than individual use.

    MB is known to be beneficial for a wide range of neurological conditions. 

    The reason we have chosen to make our own is that we simply don’t trust the source of many pre-made supplements. From where are they sourced? What is the purity? Even if the purity is high, exactly what are the impurities?

    For something that crosses the blood brain barrier, we simply are not willing to risk ingesting Mercury/arsenic/lead/cadmium. 


    Therefore, we have sourced this particular product